Looking something up in this dictionary:
1) Which spelling should you use?
Should you not be familiar with the specific criteria of our spelling system (cfr. Acquarone et al. 2015), you can use the spelling you know best. The system should be able to recognize your search word.
2) You cannot find the correct symbols on your keyboard?
You can select these from the corresponding keypad at the top of the page.
3) You are not sure with which letter a word begins or ends?
No problem: In this case you can type an asterisk (*) at the beginning or end of the search word.
4) Is it only possible to look up individual words?
No, you can also search for word combinations.
5) This being a Genoese-Italian dictionary, can search inquiries only be entered in Genoese?
No, it is also possible to search for the Genoese combinations‘ Italian equivalents with this system.
6) Is it possible to conduct morphosyntactic searches?
Yes, the different categories are listed next to the “Ricerca”-button.
7) What is suggested to you while you type?
While you are typing in the search bar, different results (individual words or word combinations), which are dictionary entries containing the typed letters, appear.
8) Where can you find the Genovese and Italian sections?
The individual dictionary entries each show the Genovese sections on the left and those for Italian on the right. With the help of the search bar, you can find Genovese as well as Italian results.
9) What do (round and square) brackets stand for?
Square brackets include the following metalinguistic information:
Abbreviations used in this dictionary:
aul.: “aulico” = formal
bot.: “botanica” / “botanico” = botany / botanical
coll.: “colloquiale” = colloquial
disus.: “disusato” = old-fashioned
est.: “esteso” = extended meaning
euf.: “eufemistico” = euphemism / euphemistic
fam.: “familiare” = familiar
fig.: “figurato” = figurative
gastr.: “gastronomia” / “gastronomico” = gastronomy / culinary
geogr.: “geografia” / “geografico” = geography / geographic
iron.: “ironico” = ironic
lett.: “letterario” = literary
mecc.: “meccanica” / “meccanico” = mechanics / mechanical
med.: “medicina” / “medico” = medicine / medical
neg.: “connotazione negativa” = negative connotation
[rif. a oggetti, per es. ...] = regarding objects, e.g. …
[rif. a persone] = regarding people, e.g. …
plur.: “plurale” = plural
poco freq.: “poco frequente” = not very common
qcn.: “quarchedun” / “qualcuno” = someone
qcs.: “quarcösa” / “qualcosa” = something
scherz.: “scherzoso” = humorous
spec.: “specialistico” = specialized
tecn.: “tecnico” = technical
volg.: “volgare” = vulgar
Round brackets include optional additions, e.g. cases in which “something” (qcs.) or “someone” (qcn.) could also be left out in certain contexts. Explanations of meaning (which are systematically added next to the Italian equivalents of Genovese idiomatic expressions) are also contained by round brackets and introduced by “=”-signs.
10) In which order are the equivalents listed?
The equivalents are usually listed in alphabetical order, unless one is semantically closer to the Genovese phraseme, in which case it is listed before the others.
11) A morphosyntactic category is not listed?
Do not worry, some morphosyntactic categories are not listed in certain dictionary entries, because no relevant phraseological material worth adding to the dictionary was found.
12) Is something missing?
We add to this dictionary little by little, which is why some of the information you might be looking for, may not have been added yet. The complete dictionary should be finished by June 2024, or at the latest by February 2025.
Should you find a mistake or want to suggest an addition, please send us an e-mail (gephras@uibk.ac.at) – we will then discuss your suggestion and take it into consideration if necessary.
Attention! Most browsers should allow you to play and listen to the audio recordings without any issues. Different problems may however occur, if you are using Safari or Internet Explorer on Windows 11. We are trying our best to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. At the moment, there are no issues with opening any of the functions when using Firefox.